If you have a task – we offer the solution!
Whether TV, radio, print, outdoor, online/social media
or media mix. We plan your campaign from the beginning
or accompany you partially.
We are your full-service agency &
media specialists.
We offer all services – in Austria and international.
There is no one-fits-all solution. We develop an individual solution for each customer and each product. That’s how we guarantee the optimal strategy with maximum range and efficient use of budget.
Media manager, media planning, media buyer, customer service,
graduated social media expert, Google specialist
Office manager,
media planning, media buyer,
Co-owner, agency founder,
managing director
EUMEDIA Werbegesellschaft mbH
Rudolfsplatz 2/21
1010 Wien
Phone: +43 1 532 39 70
Fax: +43 1 532 39 70 20
E-Mail: office@eumedia.at